Cardinal Sin
This design came about when Richard Taylor was thinking about a new boat in June 2006.
He sold his Pasta Frenzy The Spanish Inquisition and set to work. What he wanted was something very Slug-like, but with a little more buoyancy at the back end to help reduce low-speed tail-sinking, especially with the larger helm.
The Cardinal Sins are built by Aardvark Technologies, the builders of successful Cherub Loco Perro.
Here are all the pictures of Cardinal Sin in production we have, automatically pulled from the archive.
Cardinal Sin News
Cardinal Sin
Richard Taylor, former owner of Italian Bistro 2655 “It's Me Too!” (now Monkey Magic) and Pasta Frenzy The Spanish Inquisition has collaborated widely with the class to create his first design, called Cardinal Sin. This Slug-inspired vessel has been in build at Aardvark Technologies, and everything is being built from female moulds to facilitate production of Cardinal Sins.
The plug nearing completion.
During fairing.
The deck mould looking like it might have been made at Smilie Marine!
“To the Bat-Skiff, Robin!” (said Batman)
Aardvark Technologies are taking orders for Cardinal Sins now, but they are incredibly busy so if you want one, don't be shy!
Cardinal Sin Update
Cardinal Sin is nearing the completion of the tool set at a rapid pace. Team Aardvark have done a fantastic job in moving this project along so quickly. The Hull tool will have come off the pattern by the time this update hits the web and Charles England at Sea Solutions is well on the way with the foils from the class mould. The most superb C-Tech rig arrived by air freight last Friday complete with bowsprit and oval boom.
Mike Cooke at Aardvark estimates 4 weeks before the first Cherub from a complete production tool set comes out of the workshop.
This weekend sees some long hours with SolidWorks CAD package to finalise the Bill of Materials and final design layouts. It will also see the first serious production parts drawing for “T” foil components that use lightly modified windsurfer skegs with some CNC manufactured parts. There is also a really cute solution for quickfit rudder attachment too.
If you're interested in a new boat don't hang around. I'll be machining parts in the next week so please get in touch as there are economies of scale to share in making multiple CNC parts. richard_taylor me to find out more.
The Hull pattern
Deck pattern
Eggbert the nasty 2535 is now on ebay!
Forman 8, ply with recently added false floor.
1991 rules rig.
Great first cherub.
Just needs a new spinni halyard and a few blocks,
Now listed on ebay item number 220034363663 Link
Wicked Sinner
The Cardinal Sin Project gallops towards completion by the day. This is a moderate development of the successful Slug design, with some extra attention paid the static fore-and-aft stability and to in-boat ergonomics too. Today's news is that the specifications for the fittings of the whole boat is now done, and the hull mould is going off, due to come off the plug tomorrow. In the mean time here is a CAD image to keep you happy.
Two Cherubbists Tie The Knot
On Saturday 14th October 2006, the keepers of Primal Scream Phil Alderson and Carol Low were married.
Congratulations from all Cherub sailors - past and present - and best wishes for your future together.
Special Note 1: The most hydrodynamic flower pot in the world - Beside the happy couple is a beautiful model of Primal which was a surprise addition to the proceedings provided by Carol's brother David.
Special Note 2: Malcolm Garrington the best man sailed with Phil in his previous boat AquaMarina in 2004.
Special Note 3: The venue of Largs sailing club was fabulous - you can see Great Cumbrae Island in the background.
Special Note 4: The hymns were sung accompanied by North Tyneside Steel Band who also provided exceptionally appropriate music at every stage of the evening. Highly recommended, especially 'Dancing Queen'!
A really splendid event to mark a very special occasion. Also amazing fireworks over the water - fabulous!
From left: Debbie the bridesmaid, Phil the groom, Carol the bride, Malcolm the best man, and Marc Turner sailor and photographer. This picture was taken by Gav Homer who is an I14 and Musto Skiff sailor.