Atum Bom
The Story
Atum Bom is the 5th of the Slugs, built over the winter of 2005-6 by Andy Paterson of Bloodaxe Boats and then completed by Will Lee and Lucy Lee.
Atum Bom has tube wings, unlike 3 of the 4 preceeding Slugs. They are Born Slippy, Dangerous Beans, Nautilus Pompilius and Thunderbird 4.
She won her first Nationals in 2006, and her second in 2007.
3rd September 2011
1st September 2011
Atum Bom has now been sold to Ben Rushton
17th November 2007
Atum Bom has been sold to Stu Hopson
24th March 2007(draycote blast)
25th June 2006
We've been busy:
- Weston was spent basically breaking everything
- Kielder was learning that Phil and Carol are much better than us!
- Inlands - Result!
- Weston Open - Result!
We are now working with Kevin Ellway to enhance the huge T foil speed advantage.
26th April 2006
April 22nd: Raced at Kielder. We did win a prize, but it was for the furthest travelled boat…
April 12th: Raced at Weston Grand Slams, where many problems were ironed out.
April 8th: Sailed at Draycote at the blast. Success!
April 1st: Boat lauched at King George SC in NE London: Everything worked until a ropey gybe when the T foil came off the rudder, leaving the rudder OK though!
13th April 2006
Atum has got wet twice now: And Easter is the first race!
18th March 2006
Well the boat was ready for sailboat, but not ready for sailing quite yet! The plan is for the boat to get wet next Saturday, the 25th March!
20th Feb 2006
Pole launch tube in, spinnaker chute made and in, top of snout shaped and carboned, kite halyard cleat in, kite floor block in, jib cleat in, back fitting (on based of transom where the gantry will be controlled from) carbonned on (Thanks Ben), three coats of primer bottom rubbed down smoooooth. Three coats of topcoat sprayed on (Thanks Jools). Shroud points carboned in, kicker point attached and carbonned.
Fittings arrived from Bloodaxe, trapeze rings arrived from Wavelength, Footloops arrived from Sh-ock, nuts and bolts arrived from Cspray, launch tube, boom and pole arrived from C-tech. This is a mail order Cherub!
“All” we need to do in the next 12 days:
- Hope the rest of the spars arrive from C-tech soon.
- Hope the sails come from Fife's soon.
- Fit the rig.
- Fit the jib track and reeve the jibsheet.
- Fit the back kite block, the cunningham and T-foil cleats.
- Fit the spinnaker sock
- Fit the progrip
- Paint the spi chute area
- Make the end fittings for the pole.
- Find a trailer (Welsh Harp)
- Fit the solid lowers.
- Fit the toe loops.
- Attach the T foil to the rudder.
- Tie on some ropes like trapezes, kicker, cunningham, T-foil adjuster, mainsheet bridle.
16th Feb 2006
12th Feb 2006
Horizontal tubes in, gantry on, trapezing tubes on, shroud points bogged on, kicker point on, snout deck made, fitting backing plate made. Awaiting first load of stuff from New Zealand. We've also reinforced the gunwhale all round with two layers of plain weave.
4th Feb 2006
31st jan 2006
30th Jan 2006
23rd January 2006
Rudder and stock near completion. These were built by Will and Lucy and will meet the rest of the boat on Friday 27th Jan!