Rank: Secretary 2015/16 - 2016-17
Number: 07544 084297
First Cherub sailed: Cheese before bedtime
First Cherub nationals: 2013 nationals in 2645 - cheese before bedtime
First Cherub owned: 2676 - The Shiny Beast.
Sailing accomplishments:
2009/10: Gained a place in the RS Feva RYA zone squad. Noticeable points were 2010 nationals at HISC, 4th in silver fleet with 3 points separating 1st-4th.
2010: Worlds at Carnac. 3rd in Silver Fleet. Would have been 1st in silver if it weren't for discards.
2011/12: Was give the keys to a lowrider moth, Andy Patersons axeman 6, then was 1st crew for 3 49er helms.
2013: Was given the keys to Cheese in preparation for the Babbacome cherub nationals. Finished 11th overall first of the old boats.
2014: Bought an Int moth (with foils) Draycote open - 3rd overall was 1st over night with a 6 year old boat, as all the newer boats were too busy doing speed runs to realise the start had happened, recorded wind speed of 42knots. Didn't drop below 25 all day. Moth nationals and worlds at HISC, somewhere near the back of silver fleet.
Weston Cherub Nationals: Banshee ambulance. Can't remember where we finished. Came away buying the The Shiny Beast.
2015: Sheppey Open Cherub, 1st place
Weston open - 6th
Lord birkett - 1st Cherub
Mumbles nationals - 9th (probably have got 5-6th if we hadn't broken a rudder on the last day race 1. Oh well)
2016 Turbo foil made with the help of Mr Trim. new foil drive mechanism under trials.
Ended the year 3rd in the traveler series. points were: 4, 3, 4, (16), (16), 4. Showed speed at times also pointing after fitting new jib track with stopper pins. broke board at Weymouth over Xmas had upgraded board made with new slot.
What can we take from this information? I take, can sail, has hit and miss success, most probably down to tactics or lack of.
Character; A fond cider drinker. Usually found with a Bulmers in hand. Questionable dress sense. Was brought up as an engineer, improved his future by becoming a designer instead. Currently a CAD technician. Likes talking through ideas before getting on to making them. Happy to talk through other people's ideas too.
Any questions, please ask.
Forum ID: jp233