The One That Wasn't Sheppey

2023 Open meeting 3 was supposed to be hosted by the Isle of Sheppey Sailing Club, this event was cancelled but with two teams sorted for a weekend off, a plan was cobbled together for a South coast excursion; well, ish, one of the teams being a set of pond sailors it was decided a venue with land all around it would be preferable to calm their anxieties.

Poole Yacht Club was our un-knowing host as well as Ching Towers in the evening. Saturday provided us with 8-10 knots of breeze and a hazy sky. Tacking and gybing practice was the order of the day for team Poppy once they had shown their approval of Eleanor's new paint job! (Gulf racing colour scheme always seems to be a hit!) Tacks improved until Martyn’s ibuprofen wore off. Lessons learned, we now carry a first aid kit.

Dave and Oliver G in Eleanor followed us to practice tacking under pressure meaning the two cherubs were never more than 10 metres away from each other. Both boats seemed to be going well upwind and downwind with Eleanor having the slight edge over Poppy downwind. (Will the new kite sort this?)

We all retired to Dave, Lara and Elliot's house for the evening with a small walk and a BBQ planned (Dave did detour to a shop to bulk buy all the haloumi).

Food was consumed, and drink imbibed, with much chat and merriment, even a Cherub DJ set. You’ve heard of pass the parcel, well this was pass the Spotify, a more eclectic selection you couldn’t imagine.

Sunday dawned with clear heads, hazy skies and the previous day's video was analysed over breakfast. A couple of knots more breeze and an extra boat in the shape of Ronin with Nathan and Oliver M and off we all went to see if we had remembered anything we had learnt the day before. Ronins appearance was brief but productive with a nice to do list in check to complete before nationals Eleanor and Poppy spent their time doing speed rounds upwind and downwind utilising all of Poole harbour. You shall have to wait for nationals to see the results!

2023 Open Meeting 1 - Rutland Skiff Event

Four Cherubs descended on Rutland for their annual asymmetric open and round one of the cherub travellers’ trophy during the first weekend in March, that’s quite early in the year, it could be quite cold? Greeted by wind touching 10 knots at times boats were rigged and breakfast consumed, and the consensus of capsizing will end your day, would this be a race of pace or attrition?

Rigging up, post breakfast cake (the second breakfast of champions), Jamie got the Race kite out of the bag and found a big rip Martyn put in it at Sheppey, but Jamie had forgotten about and not taped/sewn up. To quote Martyn and Jamie 'looks like we're running the training kite, mate' 'It'll be like bringing a spoon to a knife fight!'

Race one Light winds, single string weather, and 7 knots, began with the quicker boats swamping the cherubs off the line, feeling under hulled until finding a lane was definitely the feeling! Poppy missed the start thinking it was one minute later (When will Jamie learn) but cheeky port/starboard with Ronin left them doing turns on the first beat. Foiling in these conditions was occasionally possible which gave the advantage to the boats with big spinnakers; Marmite made the most sense of the lake conditions and brought home race one with A&E flying just long enough for a second place ahead of Poppy and Ronin.

Second race began with a bit more breeze, twin trap upwind, 10 - 14 knots; Building breeze never disappoints the green machine who took the opportunity to put another win on the board. Poppy managed to find a MASSIVE hole of no wind on the first beat allowing Ronin through, but some downwind gybing wizardry allowed Poppy to sneak in to 2nd again to the delight of all cherub sailors. A&E discovered that dropping the mainsheet when foiling is not the best way to sail. Sneaking in third ahead of Ronin in fourth, the final 2 boats both having capsizes meant they decided shore and warmth was more useful than a third race!

Race three was slightly breezier and twin trapezing upwind; Poppy having a bit of a fight with marmite was just what the doctor ordered! Exciting for these idiots to be hot on the heels of Mr Croote and Mr W! Poppy had a fun moment when they had three 4000's line abreast all pinching to try and cover off from one another. Jamie lit the blue tough paper and hooked on to join Martyn on the wing, a few twists of 'tfoil off' and Poppy put the hammer down and they managed to create a dirty great wind shadow for all three, a textbook gybe to the finish and across the line. Marmite again taking the win from Poppy.

Upon arriving on shore, Team Poppy was collared by a youth sailor wanting to have a go in a 12ft silly skiff and was keen to borrow the class boat - Antidote to panel games, when possible. A quick jaunt around the lake in 12-ish knots was enough to see him smile, but Jamie had to call it quits, something about brass monkeys.

Evening fun – The food was excellent, new caterers and bar combo is ace. They stayed open until we went to bed (this meant we broke their previous 1 day takings!) After extending an olive branch to the two 4000 sailors and two B14 sailors, we all told tales about our days sailing then teamed up with the 800s after their training debrief for a spot of beer pong! The semi finals were interesting when one of the balls suddenly became a pickled egg! Needless to say the final was an all cherub affair! It turns out that cherub sailors are also quite adept in a beer pong tournament!! (Thank you to the 800 class for organising!)

With a second day of sailing feeling very similar to the first the fleets race four and Poppy found they didn't have a watch so had to freestyle the starts! Wind was particularly tricky with it being light and wind bend from the shores on either side of the beat. Marmite found themselves locked out at the committee boat at the start. Poppy and marmite headed out front with A&E and Ronin fighting out in, what looked to be a close battle!

Race 5 and Marmite went up the wrong side of the beat on lap 1, meaning Poppy was somehow out in front, the wind was building and lap 2 she knew it would be a tight affair to the finish. On the final downwind after keeping an eye on the green kite (Marmite) Jamie had to inform Martyn of 'Bogey, single, blue, approaching fast from behind!' A&E was up and flying for their last dash to the line. To create some options Poppy gybed off leaving Marmite on the other side. A&E and Marmite gybed later on. With Poppy coming in to the gate on starboard, and Marmite on port forced to gybe before the gate. Poppy gybed back to round the gate and sprint to the line, Somehow Marmite managed to sail through the dirty air of Poppy and claim second with A&E having sailed round the outside of them all.

Race 6, well it happened, but with second wrapped up and getting cold, Poppy decided the showers were a much nicer place to be than possibly anywhere in the world at that moment.

Congratulations go to Paul and Andy on Marmite for wrapping up the opening event of the year and props go to Nathan and Jimmy in Ronin for braving an early March weekend as a dusting off of cobwebs with a new pairing on board, thanks also go to Rutland for hosting us as well as keeping us warm and fed!!

Overall Results:

Pos Boat Name Sail No Club Helm Crew R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Net
1 Marmite 3212 Hawley Lake Sailing Club Paul Croote Andrew Whapshot 1 1 1 1 (2) 1 7 5
2 Poppy 3216 Grafham Water Sailing Club Jamie Pearson Martyn Denchfield 3 2 2 2 3 (DNC) 17 12
3 A & E 3215 Dee Sailing Club Jonny O'Connor Alex Harris 2 3 (DNC) 3 1 DNC 19 14
4 Ronin 2698 Poole Yacht Club Jimmy Ruddiman Nathan McGrory 4 4 3 4 (DNC) DNC 25 20


Travellers 2023

The first event of this years travellers series is Rutland March 3rd/4th

Who will show and who will win?

Nobody knows.

Runner and riders for this years travellers.


This foiling machine can win any event but they will need a windy season put their hands on the prize. Who knows what can happen with this talented pair.


Will these two win again. A Rita Skeeter style reporter might say that with the events secretary and the president on one boat, the races are rigged. However, those in the know, will tell you nothing is further from the truth. With Rich Bowers designing their sails and some innovative foil design, the pair are pushing the class forward nicely.

Green Bananas

After winning the last event of 2022. Will GB take the Cherub world by storm this year? They certainly have the speed but do they have the time. With a helm who excels in many sports and a soon to be busy family life, time management looks to be the key.


This cool pair have cruised to victory on countless occasions. The battle with Yusagi continues and we can’t wait for the next round of this epic contest. Everyone in this fleet loves Marmite.

Usagi Yojimbo

This pair have one more travellers events and Nationals than most of us can count. They will be looking to resume their battle with Marmite.


Will these west country boys be able to conquer their fears and keep their ears long enough to utilise the undoubted speed of this rapid duck. Don’t be surprised if the duck takes the odd bullet this year.


The blend of youth and experience could prove to be a winning formula. This pair could be quick this year, though injury worries are a factor for the older half of this team.


The Pink monster is on a continual improvement plan and with the promise of a new set of sails on the way EJ will be a real threat this year. Lets hope this super light flyer can get some more wins this year.

Dan’s Boat

The extremely talented pair in Dan’s Boat will need to put in more practice this year to unlock the full potential of this boat.


This crew became the newest addition to the fleet last year. How quickly can they unlock strength of the Ronin to start challenging for honours. With the support of this supportive fleet anything is possible.

The Badgers Nadgers

The Badger Has been hiding for many years. This family are planning on joining the fleet for the first time this year. The Cherubs are looking forward to seeing this new team in action.


This iconic boat will be available to those interested in finding about the thrills a light weight high performance skiff can deliver. This boat isn’t just a try a boat Cherub it’s a boat with speed to win races in the right hands. Put your name forward and it could be you.


Sheppey Open

Welcome back dear readers to the penultimate event in the Cherub Travellers Series. After a windy and wavy nationals, our competitors could have been forgiven for wanting a more relaxing event, no such luck. Instead, a very challenging shifty on shore breeze and lumpy waves, even made launching a high skill manoeuvre.

Day 1

Race 1 Eleanor and Green Bananas broke clear of Poppy and EJ. Eleanor took the lead until the final tack, when disaster struck and Eleanor's crew inspected the boom a little too closely. This let Green through for their first win, while Eleanor limped home in second.

Race 2 saw close racing between all the boats with place changes a plenty. Eleanor managed to find a path through the Ospreys (great fleet to share an event with by the way) to claim the win from Green.

Race 3 had EJ finally put her obvious boat speed to good use and lead Green home to a much-deserved win.

Day 2 welcomed our fine competitors with slightly less wind.

Races 4 and 5 proved that a good night's sleep and a T total lifestyle is definitely not required for Poppy's crew, who finally showed the skills they had been showing all year to challenge the Green Bananas. The only problem was those Bananas are slippery and found a way through to win the first two races of the day.

With the event won, Green slowed down enough to let Poppy through for a much-awaited win, followed by Eleanor.

Yet another event with close friendly racing, with four winners from six races.

Well done to Green Bananas who showed strong pace to win on their return, with Poppy coming a close second. A special mention should go to Ronin's new crew for learning new skills in conditions not ideally suited to a new team.

Overall Results:

Pos Boat name Sail No Club Helm Crew R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Pts Net Pts
1 Green Bananas 3217 Netley SC Nick Pratt Jamie Taylor 1 2 2 1 1 (3) 107
2 Poppy 3216 Grafham Water SC Jamie Pearson Martyn Denchfield 4 3 (DNF) 2 2 1 1912
3 Eleanor 3208 Poole YC David Ching Oliver Goolden 2 1 (DNS) 3 4 2 1912
4 EJ 3206 Stokes Bay SC Jimmy Ruddiman Oliver Morrell 3 4 1 4 3 (DNF) 2215
5 Anitdote 2699 IOSSC Dean Ralph Simon Jones (DNC) DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 4235
6 Ronin 2698 Poole Yacht Club Nathan McGrory George Bender (DNC) DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 4235

UK Cherub National Championship at Mumbles Yacht Club 2022

A tale to last the ages of mighty winds, wild waves and some pretty little Cherubs.

Day 1

Started with a forecast of 12 knots and calm waters. Little did they know what was to meet those plucky Cherubs. Race 1 started with 20 knots and lumpy waves. This would build over the next three days. Oh do I need to mention the rain? That's enough of the weather report, on to race 1.

Race 1 - EJ and Eleanor spent the first lap trading places, while Marmite and Usagi recovered from bad starts. Marmite finally went on to win while the others fought it out for second. Eleanor managed to knot a halyard on the last hoist gifting a close fought second to EJ with Usagi in third.

Race 2 - A & E stopped wobbling long enough to claim her first victory of the week. Eleanor ran out of excuses to gain 2nd. Behind, Usagi held off the rapid Ducks for 3rd.

Day 2

Race 3 - EJ took an early lead but was soon overtaken by the close duelling A & E won out from Marmite and EJ came in a close third.

Race 4 - A & E were locked in such an intense battle with Marmite that Dan's Boat slipped through unnoticed for the win from A & E and Marmite.

Race 5 - A & E stretched out an early lead to be convincing winners. Marmite second and Eleanor held on for third.

Race 6 - Your intrepid reporter decided that starting a fourth race in the fifth hour of sailing wasn't as inviting as ice cream. It was good ice cream. A & E won from Marmite and Ducks Third. If you feel this kind of reporting isn't good enough then I suggest you try and come to the events. Trust me, if you don't, you are missing out on much more than results.

Day 3

The class took advantage of the local tourist spots, as the wind increased and waiting for the slower fleet to finish for an hour. After 40 min races felt less appealing.

Day 4

Lighter winds at last, with a mild 10 to 18 knots and with flatter, almost soothing waves.

Race 10 - A & E bolted off again, while the battle between Marmite, Usagi and Eleanor carried on as before. Usagi came out on top with Marmite leading Eleanor across the line.

Race 11 - It was much the same, but this time Eleanor led the chasing pack after another epic battle with Marmite and Usagi. Yet again only seconds between them.

Race 12 - A & E bored of winning, went in for the famous ice-cream. This left first up for grabs. Dan's boat took advantage of a great start to lead Eleanor around the course, followed by Marmite. So much happened at this event I could write a book. I didn't even mention the “Captain's hat” or the “If not duffers will not drown” incidents. If you want the full Cherub experience you could use the class Cherub at an event, or jump straight in and buy new from £12k (class assisted) to £15k fully professional. Special mention this year goes to Poppy's crew, who after showing great speed all year, caught Covid the night before. Better luck next time.

Overall Results:

Pos Boat name Sail No Helm Crew Club R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R10 R11 R12 Pts Net Pts
1st A&E 3215 Jonny O'Connor Alex Harris Dee Sailing Club (5) 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 (DNC) 357
2nd Marmite 3212 Paul Croote Andy Whapshott Chew Valley Sailing Club 1 (DNC) 2 3 2 2 3 (4) 3 4216
3rd Eleanor 3208 Dave Ching Oliver Goolden Poole Yacht Club 4 2 (DNC) (DNC) 3 DNC 4 2 2 6143
4th Usagi Yojimbo 3202 Andrew Peters Jill Peters Queen Mary Sailing Club 3 3 4 4 (DNC) (DNC) 2 3 DNC 6345
5th Duck wars 3209 Guy Rivington Joseph White Mount Batten Centre (DNC) 4 (RET) DNC 4 3 6 8 4 7355
6th Dan's Boat 2700 Luke Hartley Oliver Morrell Stokes Bay Sailing Club (DNC) (DNC) 5 1 RET DNC DNC 7 1 8062
7th EJ 3206 James Ruddiman Chris Haslam Stokes Bay Sailing Club 2 (DNC) 3 (DNC) DNC DNC 5 6 DNC 8264
8th Poppy 3216 Jamie Pearson George Bender Grafham Water Sailing Club (DNC) (DNC) 6 DNC DNC DNC 7 5 DNC 9577
9th Rossa 3219 Roland Trim Kevin Robert Jausseran Monaco Yacht Club / Club de voile de Roq (DNC) (DNC) DNF DNC DNC DNC 8 9 5 9981
10th Slippery When Wet 2657 Nick Hankins Sophie Hankins Cardiff Bay Yacht Club (DNC) (DNC) DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 11092

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