Activity in France 2

“Special Sauce” caused quite a stir at Carnac in Brittany last year among the UK Cherub fleet: A completely new boat out sailing that we'd heard very little about. Francois Goulet from Nantes built the boat as a student project so funds were tight. He produced a solid vessel with no compromises over what was important, using secondhand and inexpensive materials to save money with a very large dose of ingenuity and talent thrown in:

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Time passes and circumstances change: Special Sauce has evolved over last winter into a very tidy machine indeed:

Go Francois!

Aquamarina goes large

Andy Lang and Tom Gruitt have just sent these pictures of their steed AquaMarina's new rags. The spinnaker is a recycled RS800 one and the main is one modified from an international 14. The mast step is now at gooesneck level. These lads are practicing hard, but in the evenings they are preparing the foils for Aqua's first fully foilborne flight…

