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Nationals Report 2015

As Saturday dawned 17 cherubs made the journey to Mumbles Yacht club for their National Championships, questions were in the air as several unknowns were added to the mix from previous years with new helm/crew combinations and a second attempt at bringing a foiling boat to the event, but which would prevail

After a millpond forced postponement in the morning Race one began in sunshine, but very little wind with two distinct groups emerging quite quickly and those who struggled to get off the line well were instantly punished hard, despite this all boats managed to have close racing but at the first mark a leading pack had emerged, Ronin had managed to pull off the first leg but had Andy and Gill on Usagi and Cool beans under its new ownership hot on their tail, with all three boats coming into the bottom gate at the same time on the first two laps they traded places several times and with the wind dropping further on the final lap a boat park appeared at the final windward mark with cherubs and 4000s alike getting stuck in what felt like doldrums, the winner was the first boat to emerge and it was Ronin that managed to clear the pack first with cool beans a close second but Simon and Dean on Eleanor managed to put their disagreements with light wind sailing to pass Usagi and take third. With no further wind in sight the race committee quickly decided that was enough and the fleet headed to for shore for the day

Day Two brought a little more breeze with a lack of the sunshine and as Usagi Set about a good day at the office, the rest of the fleet played snakes and ladders, up and down the leader board, with six boats all taking top three finishes and no other boat managing more than two podium places the racing was very close all day. with the scheduled three races completed the tired crews retired to the shore to warm up with a meal at the local pub after sailing in the rain all day

Day three Came and with the breeze building the start of race 5 most boats had twin wiring conditions for the first time of the event and as the start gun fired one thing became apparent quite quickly, once Clive and Alex got A&E foiling she was seriously quick and instantly took advantage of the extra wind to quickly make tracks on the rest of the fleet with Marmite continuing to find form she took second in their preferred conditions and usagi rounding out the top three. The Wind was shifting a lot through the day with race two coming and Team A&E were low riding for the first lap before finding their foils and boats being lifted to almost laying the windward mark making it difficult to find the best route around the course. More close racing was had and with the race committee making up for lost races all four races had different winners and as the day closed the results showed that the consistency of team usagi had all but wrapped up the event but the battle for second place was between three boats with only two points separating them. That being that the only honorable thing to do at this point in time was to go and get a curry then dress up in some very questionable outfits that bear resemblance to ones boat names, massive shout out to those that really pushed the boat out with the outfits, it made for an very entertaining evening.

The final day saw a lot of breeze, gladly the 40 knot forecast didn't happen so racing was possible and while the windy conditions scared off some 8 boats took of the line in the brisk conditions, sadly only 7 made the finish as /Jamie and Rosie in Shiny Beast managed to snap their rudder blade on the second downwind leg and with others swimming of their own accord it was Marmite that took line honors with Usagi in second and Ronin took third, with the overall results decided most boats headed ashore but one last race took place With Cheese Before Bedtime having a storming race in the building wind conditions to take the win from Fuzzy Logic. Subtle Knife managed to finish in third despite breaking the top section of its mast on the last leg, she managed to get through the line sailing on jib alone, at this point the wind was deemed excessive and all boats retreated to dry land.

So with the results completed and all the boats packed away it was time to head home, but there were prizes to be given out, After winning the series in truth be told a quite convincing manor Usagi took home the Ladies Teapot and the Simpson Trophy, Cool Beans won the Nick Mason for being most improved boat after climbing a long way up the leader board since their last appearance and the ashes were awarded to Shiny Beast for the total T-foil Devastation caused that day. The spanking paddle went to Eddie for his late night escapades involving traffic cones and The Davey was Awarded to Roland and Jay for some of their spectacular Swimming action from the week. The Rosebowl was awarded To Paul and Ed for their excellent performance to end up in second, the LOSSC Plaque went to Ronin for ending up in third and the Didgeridon't was awarded to A&E for the foils that while clearly worked didn't turn out to be a world beater this time round. Ade's Work rebuilding fuzzy logic was rewarded with the Pre De-Elegance trophy and The first 97 boat was awarded to Andy For his excellent sailing Eva Dexoff.

Once again The class would like to put in a massive thanks to Mumbles Yacht Club for running the event and the 4000 fleet for joining us and helping to make it possible, i believe i speak for everyone when i say it was a thoroughly enjoyable event and the people there were beyond helpful and happy to see us. I would also like to add in a massive thanks to both the people who helped organise the event and those who either lent or trailed boats around the country to help get as many boats as possible out on the water. The last Thanks id like to thank is to all those who don't normally sail Cherubs but came down to have a go anyway, it was great to see new faces and i hope you caught the bug.

Results 2015


Photo 2015

Day 1 Photos

Day 2 Photos

Day 3 Photos