Caption Competition

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(Dave Ching)

Tom: Are you SURE thats where you needs to be cutting?

Andy: Bah! Who needs to actually look at what they're doing anyway..


Andy: “If I can just keep on replacing the broken bits of my crew with the off cuts from the boat mods then I'll have the perfect Bionic Crew by the end of the week. Now, where did I did I think I had to cut to make his new backbone?”

(Lucy Lee)

Tom “it’s a great place to sail but how on earth are we going to pull any women in the local pub tonight?”

Andy “Don’t worry about me mate. Once the lassies see the bulge in my trouser leg you’ll be on your own.”

(Paul Smith)

Andy 'It's honking out there, my wet suit's freezing, still recoving from last night's social. I wonder if the boom will go if I just put a nick in it with this saw and then pull lots of kicker on when we rig up?“

(Phil Kirk)

Andy: Great news: A multinational, blue chip dot com company has spotted our talent and will pay for everything we need - wetsuits, hotels, fuel, vehicle - even our daily “literacy and numeracy hour”.

Tom: That is great news!

Andy: All they want from us is for their logo to fill the entire boom so as not to confuse the BILLIONS of their potential customers who will see the boat on television, posters, mobile phones, the internet, the RNLI Newletter and of course the Jackass Christmas Special. So all I need to do that is to cut here, right?

Tom: Sounds like our worries are over, mate!

(Will Lee)